Results for 'R. Ar R. Ar'

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  1.  28
    The Relationship with the Qur'an Fıtrat and the Values of Managing Humanity.Hasan Rıza Özdemi̇r - 2022 - Dini Araştırmalar 25 (62):221-244.
    The Holy Qur'an is the divine book of revelation that gives meaning to human life. The relationship between the concept of fitra in the 30th verse of the Qur'an Surah Ar-Rum and the search for the meaning of man is important. The human being, called to act according to the principles of the Qur'an and realize his existence by the wisdom of creation in the verse, a man should give meaning to the values that govern him, to the gains he (...)
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  2. Chapter nineteen k».Nigel R. Franks, Anna Dornhaus, James Ar Marshall & Francois-Xavier Dechaume Moncharmont - 2009 - In Jürgen Gadau & Jennifer Fewell (eds.), Organization of Insect Societies: From Genome to Sociocomplexity. Harvard.
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  3.  11
    The dawn of a golden age in mathematical insect sociobiology.Nigel R. Franks, Anna Dornhaus, James Ar Marshall & F. X. Dechaume-Moncharmount - 2009 - In Jürgen Gadau & Jennifer Fewell (eds.), Organization of Insect Societies: From Genome to Sociocomplexity. Harvard.
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  4. Naḥwa ṣiyāghat al-taʻāluqāt al-mafāhīmīyah li-falsafat al-maʻná: dirāsah fī qaṣdīyat al-muʼallif wa-anṭūlūjīyat al-fahm.Mukhtār ʻAbd al-Qādir Muḥammad Lazʻar & Faḍīlah Masʻūdī (eds.) - 2022 - al-Jazāʼir: Alfā lil-Wathāʼiq lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  5.  13
    Dialogue in Tahsin Germiyani's Novels –In the Example of al-Huznu'l-Vesim, Evladu'l-Yahudiyye, Zaknemut-.Sabır Sabır İbrahim & Mehmet Şirin Çınar - 2024 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 11 (19):22-37.
    In the novels of Tahsin Germiyani, who stands out as a narrator and novelist, dialogue was a basic technique for artistic work. Because he used the art of dialogue in a unique way to carry out communication and understanding and to fictionalize events. Such that Tahsin Germiyani's novels are considered to fill a gap in this aspect, especially in Iraq and in the Arab world in general. What makes him important is the writers he read and was influenced by. Such (...)
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  6. D Daehler, MW, 130,131,149,152, 153,155,156,157,172,183 Damasio, A., 88 Dattel, AR, 149,150,152,153,154.P. L. Cannon, H. W. Carmichael, C. S. Casey, R. Catrambone, R. I. Charles, V. M. Chase, P. W. Cheng, M. T. H. Chi, M. Chiu & K. N. Clayton - 1997 - In Lyn D. English (ed.), Mathematical reasoning: analogies, metaphors, and images. Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates.
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  7. Zeh ha-ḥibur meʻaṭ ha-kamut ṿe-rav ha-ekhut: ḥibro ha-r. R. Mosheh Yaḳar Ashkenazi, zatsal, ṿe-ḳarʼo Petaḥ ʻenayim...Mosheh Yaḳar Ashkenazi - 1967 - [Brooklyn, N.Y.?: Ḥ. Mo. L..
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  8. Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʼ.Jabbūr ʻAbd al-Nūr - 1961
  9. ʻIyār al-naẓar fī ʻilm al-jadal: min bawākīr naqd al-manṭiq wa-al-falsafah, wa-tajrīd qawāʻid al-munāẓarah.Ibn Ṭāhir al-Baghdādī & ʻAbd al-Qāhir - 2020 - Ḥawallī, al-Kuwayt: Asfār li-Nashr Nafīs al-Kutub wa-al-Rasāʼil al-ʻIlmīyah. Edited by Aḥmad Muḥammad ʻArrūbī.
  10. al-Naṣr min al-ālihah: tawẓīf al-mithyūlūjyā fī ḥurūb al-Sharq al-Adná al-qadīm, al-ḥurūb (al-Āshūrīyah, al-Miṣrīyah al-qadīmah, al-Akhmīnīyah) unmūdhajan.Saʻd ʻAbbūd Sammār - 2020 - Dimashq: Tamūz Dīmūzī Ṭibāʻah, Nashr, Tawzīʻ. Edited by ʻAlī Jabbār Ṭāʼī.
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  11.  9
    D. ʻAbd al-Ghaffār Makkāwī insānan wa-faylasūfan wa-adīban: kitāb tidhkārī.Muṣṭafá Ḥasan Nashshār (ed.) - 2014 - Madīnat Naṣr, al-Qāhirah: Markaz al-Kitāb al-ʻArabī.
    Makkāwī, ʻAbd al-Ghaffār; Egyptian philosophy; biography.
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  12.  29
    The Sankt Gall Priscian Commentary: Part 1. R Hofman. Zur Zuverlassigkeit der bedeutendsten lateinischen Grammatik: Die 'Ars' des Aelius Donatus. J-W Beck. [REVIEW]R. H. Robins - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (2):366-368.
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  13. Abū Naṣr al-Fārābī fī al-dhikrá al-alfīyah li-wafātih, 950M.Ibrāhīm Madkūr (ed.) - 1983 - al-Qāhirah: al-Hayʼah al-Miṣrīyah al-ʻĀmmah lil-Kitāb.
  14. Intiya meyyiyal: ōr ar̲imukam.Immān̲uvēl In̲panātan̲ - 1994 - Maturai: Tamil̲nāṭu Ir̲aiyiyal Nūlōr Kul̲u. Edited by Israyēl Celvanāyakam.
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  15.  13
    al-Kashf wa-al-bayān ʻan awṣāf khiṣāl shirār ahl al-zamān.Muḥammad al-Ḥāfiẓ ibn Ḥusayn al-Ṣīdāwī Najjār - 2019 - Bayrūt: al-Markaz al-ʻArabī lil-Abḥāth wa-Dirāsat al-Siyāsāt. Edited by Muhannad Mubayyiḍīn.
    صدر عن المركز العربي للأبحاث ودراسة السياسات كتاب الكشف والبيان عن أوصاف خصال شرار أهل الزمان الذي ألّفه محمد الحافظ بن حسين الصيداوي النجار وحقّقه مهند مبيضين. ويُعدّ هذا الكتاب من أدب المواعظ والأخلاق والتاريخ، وقد جمع فيه صاحبه ثقافة أدبية ودينية واسعة مكّنته من صوغ النص بلغة محكمة منضبطة، وبطريقة منظمة. يأخذنا المؤلف في كتابه إلى دمشق خلال النصف الأول من القرن الثامن عشر، ويصلنا بها حتى عام 1172هـ (1758م). ويُعدّ كلٌّ من الناس والمدينة مدارَ التأليف في هذا الكتاب (...)
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  16.  8
    Falsafat Ḥasan Ḥanafī: muqārabah taḥlīlīyah naqdīyah bi-munāsabat murūr khamsīn ʻāmman ʻalá "al-Turāth wa-al-tajdīd".Muṣṭafá Ḥasan Nashshār (ed.) - 2017 - al-Qāhirah: Nyū Būk lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
  17.  33
    Grundzüge Von lulls ars inveniendi veritatem.R. D. F. Pring-Mill - 1961 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 43 (3):239-266.
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  18.  24
    Qirāʼah muʻāṣirah fī tafkīk fikr Shaḥrūr.Ṣuhayb Maḥmūd Saqqār - 2022 - al-Kuwayt: Rawāsikh, Dirāsāt, Nashr, Tawzīʻ.
    Shaḥrūr, Muḥammad; Islamic philosophy; Qurʼan; hermeneutics; criticism, interpretation, etc.
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  19. al-Mishkāh, majmūʻat maqālāt fī al-falsafah wa-al-ʻulūm al-insānīyah muhdāh ilá ism al-marḥūm al-Duktūr ʻAlī Sāmī al-Nashshār.ʻAlī Sāmī Nashshār (ed.) - 1985 - [Alexandria, Egypt]: Dār al-Maʻrifah al-Jāmiʻīyah.
  20.  80
    Horace's ars poetica and the deconstructive Leech.M. A. R. Habib - 1991 - British Journal of Aesthetics 31 (1):13-25.
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  21. Ovid, "Ars" 1.39-40: Making Tracks - Speed, Ritual or Art?James R. Bradley - 1989 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 83 (2):97.
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  22. Muʻjam alfāẓ al-qiyam al-akhlāqīyah wa-taṭawwuruhā al-dalālī bayna lughat al-shiʻr al-Jāhilī wa-lughat al-Qurʼān al-karīm.Nawāl Karīm Zarzūr - 2001 - Bayrūt: Maktabat Lubnān Nāshirūn.
  23.  59
    Scienza Nuova and Ars Poetica.Donald R. Kelley - 2008 - New Vico Studies 26:47-58.
  24.  5
    Accidents in Zaydi-Muʿtazilite Thought in the 4th/10th Century: Ibn al-Dāī and the Treatise of Ḥaqāʾiq al-Aʿr'ḍ (Analysis and Edition of the Text). [REVIEW]Yusuf Arıkaner - 2025 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 12 (21):8-35.
    The interaction between Zaydism and Muʿtazilism, which is claimed to date back to the formation periods, took place when Zaydī scholars studied Muʿtazilite thought in Baghdad intensively and directly from the Mu'tazilite theologian Abū ʿAbd Allāh al-Baṣrī as part of the curriculum, and especially the Basra school of Muʿtazila was influential in the theological thoughts of the Zaydis of Tabaristan/Hazar. In this process, Zaydī scholars such as al-Muʾayyad bi-llāh Aḥmad b. al-Ḥusayn al-Hārūnī and al-Nāṭiq bi-l-Ḥaqq Abū Ṭālib Yaḥyā b. al-Ḥusayn (...)
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  25.  8
    al-Qiyam al-akhlāqīyah: bayna al-fikrayn al-Islāmī wa-al-Gharbī fī ʻaṣr al-ʻawlamah.Mūzah Aḥmad ʻAbbār - 2009 - al-Qāhirah: al-Dār al-ʻĀlamīyah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  26. Falsafat al-ʻilm min manẓūr Islāmī: dirāsah naqdīyah li-baʻḍ al-naẓarīyāt al-Gharbīyah fī falsafat al-ʻilm.Zakariyā Bashīr Imām - 2002 - al-Kharṭūm: Z.B. Imām.
  27.  7
    Qirāʼāt fī al-fikr al-naqdī li-madrasat Frankfūrt: Māks Hūrkʹhāymir, Hirbirt Mārkūz, Thiyūdūr Adūrnū, Filtir Binyamīn, Iksil Hūnīth.Kamāl Bū Munīr - 2012 - al-Abyār, al-Jazāʼir: Muʼassasat Kunūz al-Ḥikmah.
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  28.  7
    Taʼthīr al-falsafah al-Islāmīyah fī al-falsafah al-gharbīyah.ʻAmmār Ṭālibī - 2017 - al-Jazāʼir: Muʼassasat Kunūz al-Ḥikmah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
  29. Naqḍ Ibn Taymīyah li-mafhūm al-ʻadam wa-al-malakah: fuṣūl fī naqd daʻwá min istadalla bi-al-manṭiq ʻalá nafy al-ṣifāt al-ilahīyah.Aḥmad ʻIṣām Najjār - 2023 - Jumhūrīyat Miṣr al-ʻArabīyah: Tabṣīr lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  30. Religion and philosophy of N⁻al⁻ayira divya prabandham with special reference to Namm⁻alv⁻ar.Na Cuppu Reṭṭiyār - 1977 - Tirupati: Sri Venkateswara University.
  31.  6
    ʻIlm al-manṭiq mīzān al-ʻuqūl.Muḥammad Ḥusayn Najjār - 2021 - Isṭanbūl, Turkiyā: al-Dār al-Shāmīyah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. Edited by Khālid ibn Khalīl ibn Ibrāhīm Zāhidī & Maḥmūd Muḥammad Shaykh.
    Hadith, authorities, early works to 1800.
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  32.  5
    al-Masʼūlīyah al-jināʼīyah wa-al-madanīyah lil-aṭibbāʼ wa-al-ṣayādilah.Khālid Muḥammad Kadfūr - 2009 - Dubayy: Maʻhad al-Qānūn al-Duwalī.
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  33. Fikrat al-ulūhīyah ʻinda Aflāṭūn wa-atharuhā fī al-falsafah al-Islāmīyah wa-al-Gharbīyah.Muṣṭafá Ḥasan Nashshār - 1984 - Bayrūt, Lubnān: Dār al-Tanwīr.
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  34.  12
    al-Nukhbah wa-al-īdiyūlūjīyā wa-al-ḥadāthah fī al-khiṭāb al-ʻArabī al-muʻāṣir.Saʻīd Shabbār - 2012 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Hādī lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  35.  64
    Ars Medicina et Conditio Humana Edmund D. Pellegrino, M.D., on His 70th Birthday.S. F. Spicker & R. M. Ratzan - 1990 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 15 (3):327-341.
    In his writings, Edmund Pellegrino analyzes four deficiencies in the humanity of those who fall ill: the loss of (1) freedom of action, (2) freedom to make rational choices, (3) freedom from the power of others, and (4) a sense of the integrity of the self. Since Pellegrino's analysis and commitment to virtuebased ethics preceded much of the attention later given by philosophers to the importance of the moral principle of autonomy (in contrast to beneficence) in patient care, it is (...)
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  36. Pah Islām ke ghwarah akhlāq: da ādābo, akhlāqo, ikhlāqo aw ḥuqūqo yaw jāmiʻ Islāmī as̲ar.Sayf Allāh Gharībyār - 2009 - [Kabul]: Muʼassasah-i Intishārāt-i al-Azhar.
    On Islamic ethics and Muslims conduct of life.
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  37. al-Nafs: minṭaqat al-khaṭar.Ḥasan Mūsa Ṣaffār - 1984 - Bayrūt, Lubnān: Muʼassasat al-Wafaʼ.
  38.  10
    Ḥāshiyat al-ʻAllāmah al-ʻAṭṭār ʻalá Sharḥ al-Mullā Ḥanafī ʻalá al-Risālah al-ʻAḍudīyah fī ādāb al-baḥth.Ḥasan ibn Muḥammad ʻAṭṭār - 2023 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Imām al-Rāzī lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. Edited by ʻAbd al-Ghaffār ʻAbd al-Raʼūf Ḥasan.
  39. Āshnāyī bā ārā-yi mutafakkirān darbārah-i hunar.Muḥammad Madadpūr - 2004 - Tihrān: Sūrah-i Mihr.
    kitāb-i 1. Hunar va zibāyī dar naẓar-i mutafakkirān-i Sharq -- kitāb-i 2. Hunar va zibāyī dar naẓar-i mutafakkirān-i Yūnān va Rumī -- kitāb-i 3-4. Hunar va zibāyī dar naẓar-i mutafakkirān-i Masīḥī va Musalmān.
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  40.  30
    Theology (Kalām) in Terms of al-Fārābī’s Metaphysics of Perfection.Rıza Tevfik Kalyoncu - 2023 - Kader 21 (1):246-269.
    This article is about the place of kalām (theology) within the general structure of al-Fārābī's metaphysics. In this framework, the article consists of two parts. The first part examines the position of metaphysics within the framework of al-Fārābī's idea of perfection. In the second part, a close reading of al-Fārābī's al-Ibāna ʿan ġarażi Arisṭuṭālīs fī kitābi mā baʿda al-ṭabīʿa is made and al-Fārābī's approach to the theoretical aspect of theology within the theory of milla is analyzed. Since al-Fārābī's theories of (...)
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  41. Hādhā al-taqrīr al-musammá bi-al-Asfār.Naṣr Ḥuwayḥī - 1906 - al-Qāhirah: al-Maṭbaʻah al-Khayrīyah. Edited by Maḥmūd al-Imām Manṣūrī, Aḥmad ibn Aḥmad Sujāʻī & Ḥasan ibn Muḥammad ʻAṭṭār.
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  42. Mukāshafāt al-ṣūrah fī al-lawḥah wa-al-kārīkātīr.Nizār Shuqrūn - 2010 - Ṣafāqis, Tūnis: bi-al-taʻāwun maʻa al-Maʻhad al-ʻĀlī lil-Funūn wa-al-Ḥarf.
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  43. al-Qurʼān al-Karīm, dustūr al-ḥayāh al-khālid.Mahdī ʻAṭṭār - 2022 - Karbalāʼ al-Muqaddasah: Ibn Fahd al-Ḥillī.
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  44.  11
    al-Taghyīr al-āmin: masārāt al-muqāwamah al-silmīyah min al-tadhammur ilá al-thawrah.ʻAmmār ʻAlī Ḥasan - 2012 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Shurūq.
    يتحدث هذا الكتاب عن مفهوم المقاومة بمعناه الواسع، فليست المقاومة مرهونة فقط بالعنف والرصاص والدم، ولا محصورة في خوض المعارك وممارسة القتال. فإذا كانت مقاومة المستعمر والمحتل والمغتصب هي الأبرز والأعلى صوتًا، فإن هناك جبهات أخرى تدور عليها المواجهة لا تقل أهمية عن التصدي للمستعمر، وصيانة استقلال الوطن وحريته. وأولى هذه الجبهات، مقاومة الحاكم الجائر لرده عن الظلم والطغيان، ودفعه إلى إقامة العدل الذي هو أساس الملك. وتأخذ هذه المقاومة أشكالًا متعددة عبر التاريخ، منها ما لجأ إلى أقصى درجات العنف (...)
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  45. Akhlāq az naẓar-i Qurʼān: dar dū bakhsh.Jaʻfar Shiʻār - 1956 - Tabrīz: Chāpkhānah-i Shafaq.
    bakhsh-i 1. Shāmil-i imtiyaz-i akhlāq-i Qurʼān va sharḥ-i mawz̤ūʻāt-i akhlāqī -- bakhsh-i 2. Shāmil-i tamām-i āyat-i akhlāqī-i Qurʼān.
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  46.  4
    Aḥjār fī miyāh rākidah.Naṣr Jawād - 2020 - Baghdād: Dār Barāʼ lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  47.  34
    Homeric and the Celestial Nile.R. Drew Griffith - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (3):353-362.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Homeric ΔΙΙΠΕΤΕΟΣΠΟΤΑΜΟΙΟand the Celestial NileR. Drew GriffithHomeric διιπετής, which occurs only in the verse–end formula διιπετέος (Il. 16.174, 17.263, 21.268, 326; Od. 4.477, 581, 7.284; cf. Hes. fr. 320 Merkelbach–West), is usually interpreted as "fallen from Zeus, i.e., from heaven,... fed or swollen by rain" (LSJ),1 for high–thundering, cloud–gatherer Zeus is the sky who rains and snows (Il. 12.25; Od. 9.111, 14.457, Alc. Z 14.1 Lobel–Page 5 338.1 Voigt; (...)
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  48.  38
    Homeric ΔΙΙΠΕΤΕΟΣΠΟΤΑΜΟΙΟand the Celestial Nile.R. Drew Griffith - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (3):353-362.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Homeric ΔΙΙΠΕΤΕΟΣΠΟΤΑΜΟΙΟand the Celestial NileR. Drew GriffithHomeric διιπετής, which occurs only in the verse–end formula διιπετέος (Il. 16.174, 17.263, 21.268, 326; Od. 4.477, 581, 7.284; cf. Hes. fr. 320 Merkelbach–West), is usually interpreted as "fallen from Zeus, i.e., from heaven,... fed or swollen by rain" (LSJ),1 for high–thundering, cloud–gatherer Zeus is the sky who rains and snows (Il. 12.25; Od. 9.111, 14.457, Alc. Z 14.1 Lobel–Page 5 338.1 Voigt; (...)
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  49. Masʼalat ḥudūth al-ʻālam bayna Ibn Taymīyah wa-al-falāsifah wa-al-ilḥād al-muʻāṣir: wa-fī-hi sharḥ mufaṣṣal li-kitāb Masʼalat ḥudūth al-ʻālam li-Ibn Taymīyah, wa-yalīhi risālat Ḥawādith lā awwal la-hā li-tilmīdhihi Ibn Qāḍī al-Jabal.Aḥmad ʻIṣām Najjār - 2024 - al-Qalyūbīyah, Jumhūrīyat Miṣr al-ʻArabīyah: Tabṣīr lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. Edited by Ibn Taymīyah, Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd al-Ḥalīm, Ibn Qāḍī al-Jabal & Aḥmad ibn al-Ḥasan.
  50.  16
    Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Tevbe Algısına Yönelik Metaforik Bir Araştırma.Esra İrk, Sümeyye Yıldırım & Ümran Erkorkmaz Çoban - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (49):133-160.
    Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, üniversite öğrencilerinin tevbe kavramına ilişkin sahip oldukları algıları metaforlar aracılığıyla ortaya çıkarmaktır. Araştırmada nitel araştırma desenlerinden olgubilim (fenomenoloji) modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu 2023-2024 eğitim-öğretim yılı güz döneminde Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi ve Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi’nin çeşitli fakültelerinde öğrenim gören toplam 196 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada veriler Google Form aracılığı ile toplanmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak çalışmada kişisel bilgi formu ve “Tevbe....(metafor)…benzer, çünkü....(metafor sebebi)” cümlelerinin kullanıldığı yarı yapılandırılmış bir anket formu kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizi ve yorumlanmasında içerik analizi tekniğinden (...)
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